When was the last time you made a wish list? As adults, we tend to shy away from them and focus on giving. Some people put lots of thought into finding the perfect gift for each person in their life. Others go for the newest, hottest, latest, greatest, most expensive must have of the season, or the best sale item they can find. Regardless of your approach, most people acknowledge joy in gift giving.

There will be times where you are on the receiving end of that gift. Sometimes, someone will even ask what you want. While kids usually have several items to rattle off, adults usually struggle with the topic.

One of my goals this year was to declutter. While I'm not completely done, I have made significant progress. As a result, I am being more intentional about the items I bring into my home. Since it has been hard for me in the past to give away gifts that I had not used nor intended to use in the foreseeable future, I created a list of items that I would love and appreciate this year. I'm sharing the template with you so you can create your own list. I use the term gift loosely, it can include a service (paid or unpaid), experience, or adventure. There are so many ways to express love regardless of the amount of money you have to spend. Someone physically washing my car or sending someone to detail my car would have the same end result- a clean car. No-cost babysitting is one of the best gifts you can give parents with children in the home. There are some items I love, but rarely purchase because they feel like too much of a splurge. A gift card to the right store would enable me to practice self compassion in ways that I typically don't. Group gifts can be a great option too. If your friend group usually exchanges gifts and everyone spends $20, you could opt to pool your money and purchase one larger item for each person.
Here's to a season of more meaningful gifts!